Serving at
Towne South

Serving others is one of the most effective ways to live out your faith. It is important part of the Christian life. In a world focused on personal gain, there is perhaps no greater way to show others what a life devoted to Christ is about.

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Ways to Serve

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At Towne South
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Serve Here

Serve at Towne South
We have over 10 places to get involved at Towne South that fit many interests and giftings. Love to connect and meet new people? Join our Guest Experience Team! Enjoy hanging out with kiddos and creating a safe place for them? Volunteer for Kid Towne! Like working behind the scenes to make our Sunday services run smoothly? Join the Worship or Facilities Teams!  Find your place and join a team today!

This team helps minister to those in our church that are new or going through a difficult season. This includes sending cards or flowers, providing meals, visiting, and encouraging.
We offer discipleship through men and women bible studies, Sunday school, small groups, and several events throughout the year. Being a part of the Discipleship ministry is a great opportunity to learn and share about Jesus with other believers. Some roles include: Small Groups Leader or Host, Bible Study Teacher, Class Teacher, etc.
The ERT focuses on keeping our church family safe and secure during our worship services (and other events). This team is trained to prevent and address any health or safety problems that occur.
We are so grateful for volunteers that help us create a clean, safe space for families to join us every Sunday morning. Our facilities volunteers help us a variety of ways including event prep, baptistry upkeep, landscaping, and maintenance. We also have a security team who are available during Sunday morning and events in case their is a medical or security emergency.
Guest Experience
Every Sunday is someone‘s first Sunday! The Guest Experience team strive to make it easy to engage and experience the life of the church. From serving in the parking lot, to greeters, to the breakfast bar, and the New Here Cart, volunteers do their best to be a warm and welcoming presence for each and every person who sets foot in Towne South.  
Kid Towne
KidTowne areas are fun, high-energy environments where children from infants through 5th grade discover who Jesus is, learn to follow Him, and how to share His love with others. There are many volunteer opportunities that range from up-front teaching to behind-the-scenes production. Serving in this ministry might be on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, special kid events, or trips.
This is the team that helps reach out to our community for Jesus! We want to be a growing church, reaching people who do not know Jesus and this team helps accomplish that. We serve at SOULS, the Food bank, schools, and other places in our community.
This team prays for those who indicate a desire for prayer and to bless, strengthen, encourage, and comfort. This team gathers on Sunday mornings before our services to pray for your church family.
Towne South Students
Invest in the next generation through many volunteer opportunities that range from up-front teaching to behind-the-scenes production. Serving in this ministry might be on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, special events, or trips.
Worship Team
This team comprised of individuals who love music, technology, or creative arts and want to use that love to lead others in worship on Sundays. Roles on this team include musician, vocalist, lighting tech, audio engineer, live-stream controller, photographer, etc.

Outreach at Towne South

The mission of our Outreach ministry is to mobilize people to give their time, talent, and resources to make a difference outside the walls of the church.

Serve Near

In our Community
Food Bank of the Albemarle
Meals on Wheels
The Towne South Truck
Albemarle Pregnancy Resource Center
Mid-Atlantic Christian University

Serve Far

ministry Partners around the world
India- CICM
Indonesia- STTJKI Bible College
France- Greg & Nikki Saldi
Rwanda Challenge
Ghana- The Osebreh Family
Pioneer Bible Translators